Showing: 21 - 25 of 25 RESULTS

Machine Learning Reading Group Reactivated!

The Machine Learning Reading Group (MLRG) of the AICommunityOWL has the goal to get a better understanding of current trends in machine learning on a technical level. The target audience are researchers and practitioners in the field of machine learning. We read and discuss current papers with a high media impact or prominent positioning (at …

AI Monday chapter in NRW

In order to learn independently from large amounts of data, computers need clever algorithms, computing power and ideally the ability to simultaneously consider as many solutions as possible. And this is exactly where it happens, still unnoticed by many: a second AI revolution through the use of Quantum Computing for machine learning. We look forward …

#AIChallengeDays go into round two!

The first #AIChallengeDays in June were a great success for the still young AICommunityOWL. Exciting solutions for #smartbuilding and #smartindustry have emerged and are currently being transferred into reality. Now the next #AIChallengeDays are coming up. Thomas Bischoff gives you an overview of the program and upcoming new events.